After the pharmacy and doctors cleaned me out of most of my cash (see future story on Dan’s sicknesses) I went to the store to buy some powdered milk. Anyone who has seen me eating knows that I am a dairy fiend. Milk, yogurt, cheese… these are diet staples. Well, for the past 9 months I really haven’t had the oppertunity to drink a glass of milk. I’ve had the occasional yogurt and once or twice I’ve had a pizza, but no milk. It had a devistating effect on morale, but I’ve pulled through.

So, I bought this bucket of NIDO powdered milk at the market at dusk last night. Normally I detest powdered milk, it tastes like calcium powder disolved in water, but this stuff knocked me into the next country (which is, incedentally, the Sudan). It was so delicious that I drank three big glasses of the stuff.

That was a mistake. My body is not used to dairy and it promptly decided that it could not digest milk. I was up a few times at night to make that long journey to the toilet.

But I won’t back down! My corporeal form will adapt or die! Milk is the ultimatum.